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Cultural Eugenics

We are starved for adequate images and language. Over saturation and the breakdown of culture has resulted in a total war on the genuine. Are we evolving into one great monoculture; robust and efficient, but lacking in variation. Culturally we may evolve into somthing like a squirrel: prolific, pervasive, and mostly lacking in anything but slight genetic variation. Cultures, like organisms require isolation to grow unique. Pull these out into the open and they will lose their form like a bubble out of water. Do we need more Hollywoods? Do we need more Bennigans? Or Louvres? Or Hong Kongs?

I don't see any way of stopping this spread of cultural infection. I can only imagine what will be lost when it has reached every end of the Earth. By our cultures we will all become the same, and lose some of the magic that it is to be human.

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