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Right? Time.

It is just as futile to wait for the future as it is to dwell in the past. The present is all there is. We have no control over the future or the past. But we can move about freely now, or then, or in a second. No day should be wasted lightly for everyday is the only one you will ever get. Time should not be wasted lightly. Oh it was. And it will be. Every day. For what is a waste of time? I suppose technically everything is a waste of time. Or nothing is. One or the other must be true, and each is proof of the other.

So what then? What are we left with? Is this question a waste of your time because man has asked it since he has been able? Am I wasting my time writing this? Thinking this? Why speak? Why be heard? Why listen? Why influence? Why live? Why die? Try it. Try any of it. See if it makes any difference. I bet it wont. I know it wont. It wont. Nothing will. Right? Live... right?

All that we have to do is anything.

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