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low brow

We can no longer prioritize information. There is too much of it for any one of us to handle. The only way for us to continue to function will be to individually specialize and become more of a hive mind. It is coming to a point where you will be lacking in much if you attempt to be a renaissance man. Your versatility will become your specialization however. The nature of dealiing with information is changing as much as the information is changing. How can everyone find time to read Moby Dick when we need learn about entangled particles, HTML and CSS scripting, digital art forms, molecular biology, cyber-punk, and EBM music? We are now afforded the awesome privilege to know what all of these things are now, but we cannot master them. We must be ourselves; now more than ever, for by being ourselves we fill in necessary pieces of the puzzle. The puzzle being composed of arbitrary pieces depicting nothing with now borders, but a puzzle nonetheless. Information is cheap. Who cares if we get it from books, music, or you tube. All of it is just as important in shaping those puzzle pieces as it has ever been. Find what you want to shape you and consume. Leave plenty of waste because all that information has to turn into something, and only parts of it are nutritious.

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