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In Defense of All Life

I can scarcely muster the energy these days to argue the point of the non-existence of God anymore. It's insulting to me to have to enter into debate about it frankly, but yet the majority of the world still prescribes to it in one form or another. I would be willing to let the whole thing go if it wasn't for that fact. Do not misunderstand, I have a tremendous amount of respect for culture, tradition, mythology, history, ethics, sociology, and ritual, but false belief I have a harder time accepting. It IS FALSE! God is the end of the argument. God is the destructor of science, and the wrecker of thought. Theologists have been there at every turn in the development of human endeavor saying, "We should not venture there, this is the business of God." And then we discovered that the Earth was round and that it rotated round the sun, and that we inhabit just one of billions and billions of universes and we aren't even the center of our own, and that bacteria and viruses, not demons are what ail us, and that you can light a house with electrical current. According to God, according to Theologians, we should not have ventured into any of these areas. WHY!? There has got to be something deeper than just belief that makes everyone throw God at every mystery they happen upon. You'd think after nothing but a history of pushing God aside, we would realize that he's not going to stick anywhere. God is maddeningly unnecessary. I am running out of energy to invest into continually decrying faith in God or religion. Please direct your toughest questions at me whenever they arise. Call me, e-mail me, leave comments here or wherever. I will gladly field all affronts to the natural world.

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