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Do You?

Do you believe in God? Do you believe in Allah? Do you believe in Buddha? Do you believe in Wotan? Do you believe in Brahman? Do you believe in Zeus? Do you believe in Raven? Do you believe in Set? Do you believe in Marduk?

Do you believe in an afterlife? Do you believe in Heaven? Do you believe in Purgatory? Do you believe in Hell? Do you believe in the Underworld? Do you believe in reincarnation?

Do you believe Jesus was born of a virgin? Do you believe Jesus turned water into wine? Do you believe Jesus walked on water? Do you believe Jesus came back from the dead? Do you believe people can walk on water? Do you believe people can come back from the dead? Do you believe people can be deceived?

Do you believe the Bible is the word of God? Do you believe the Koran? Do you believe the Upanishads? Do you believe the Tao?

Do you believe God has been around forever? Do you believe the Universe has? Do you believe your soul has? What about your atman?

Do you believe in witches, ghosts, and zombies? Do you believe in ESP, telepathy, and teleportation? Do you believe in past life regression and visions of the future?

Do you believe that the idea of God is substantial to explain the origin of the cosmos? Do you believe God knows everything you do? Do you believe God cares? Do you believe you're important? Do you believe that our galaxy is just one of billions and billions? Do you believe that the Earth is much older (4.4 Billion years older) than humans? Do you believe the Sun revolves around the Earth? Do you believe the Earth is flat? Do you believe dinosaurs and people lived together?

Do you believe Noah saved all the current species of Earth (as well as those that have subsequently gone extinct since) from a flood in his Ark? Do you believe Moses parted the Red Sea? Do you believe that every living thing on Earth (including: e coli, staphylococci, fungi, gray squirrels, red squirrels, angler fish, bass, pike, giraffes, northern pine, red oak, white oak, banana trees, wolf spiders, black widow spiders, coyotes, pugs, pitbulls, bald eagles, tabby cats, etc...) was created by God? Do you believe in Evolution? Do you know what Evolution is? Do you believe God created ever single one of the trillions of planets (and each article of life therein) around the billions of stars in the billions of galaxies in our ever expanding cosmos?

Do you believe in universal good? Do you believe in universal evil? Do you believe in truth? Do you believe in beauty? Do you believe in the Devil? Do you believe God is absolute good? Do you believe God is omniscient? Do you believe God is omnipotent?

Do you believe everything you're told? Do you believe everything the Pope says? Do you believe the Pope is ordained by God? Do you believe George Bush is? Do you believe that someone ordained by God is fallible? Do you believe man is fallible? Do you believe the Pope is a man? Do you believe George Bush is?

Do you believe life is sacred? Do you believe killing is right? Do you believe killing for your God is? Do you believe in the supernatural? Do you believe that God is unknowable? Do you believe the universe is unknowable?

Do you believe religion is good? Do you believe you're good? Do you believe anything? Do you believe in humanity?

Do you feel comfortable with your answers? Do you feel like you have everything explained? Do you feel scared? Do you feel excited? Does God know you feel this way?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After finally finding this page with my limited amount of internet time i spend, my answer is at best "sure, why not!" except for all the christian stuff; then it's more like, "ehh, all the other religions are more fun, but damn did jesus know how to party!" i thought this post was a little better than the prior post simply because i like the idea of the magical and would rather play pretend than anything else. as a book suggestion, check out "finite and infinite games" it's become a quick favorite, and HAIL SAGAN!<--- making that a tshirt with a pentagram right now. give a call we need to catch up. 704 560 4136