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web {firebreather}


Tune out...

I haven't been around the internet as of late, and thank god! I am of a generation addicted to cheap information, and menial entertainment. We can't go a couple hours without tuning in. Our idea of human interaction is to get a group of our smart, intelligent, creative friends together in a dark room, and then sit silently while a movie of no real consequence plays on an illuminated screen. After the credits roll, well, the evening is over, unless of course, some of you would like to hang around and get drunk to further assist your slide out. I am just as plagued by this virus as the rest of us, and I know I want to change. TV, the internet, movies, theses are all way harder to kick than heroin. I'm not urging asceticism. No. By all means, we are a culture of commodity. Tap into that, react to that. Mix it up, hurl it around, break it, play it, rip it, share it, just don't revere it like we have been. Our entire generation is the result of a marketing campaign. We have been programmed since the beginning to value fun above all else, but if we're just watching somebody else's' version of fun (no matter how clever, or involving) we're just being entertained.

Humanity is at our fingertips. We have more connectedness than at any other point in history. Use it. Walk outside. Get your friends together who all know and respect each other, and put on a play. Not to take to the stage, but for your fucking selves. Stop playing music to be recorded and put up on myspace. Play music for yourselves! Write notes to send through the mail that don't make any sense. Invent new languages. Go climb a goddamned tree (they won't be around much longer). Ask personal questions of people you know (or don't know). Anything, just don't watch a movie for a while. Puproseless, unquantifiable, unprofitable human experience, they'll hate it. And once you tune yourself out of their barrage, because everything you do is EXACTLY what you're supposed to, you will be unreachable, and they're wont be a damn thing those bastards up in marketing will be able to do to get you back. Just forget.

We have a programmed fear of "missing out on life" if we don't turn on the TV every so often, or watch X number of movies a week, or listen to X number of songs. This stuff is our culture and our joy, not our responsibility; not our compulsions, or addictions, or fetishes. Have an armpit fetish, don't waste something that personal on the tubes. So tune out. Tune out. Tune out. Tune out. Sign off.

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