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What's Left?

I am so goddamned fucking sick of the state of everything these days! Our government is a sham of illegitimate murderous authority. Our cultural output amounts to nothing more than price tags and barcodes. All means of expression have been effectively snatched up and sold back to us for a price; DRM'ed to all hell, and with restricted access. It's a sad goddamned state of affairs when you can walk around a whole city like Chicago and not find a single fucking thing to even remotely draw you in. There is no analysis, there is no intelligence, there is no thought left in this damn world. Our cultural artifacts are nick nacks. We've sold out our history, our identity. Who the fuck are we? What do we stand for? What do we enjoy? Do we support war? murder? Torture? Do we feel that Public Broadcasting should be dismantled? Do we believe that education and health care are unimportant? Do we believe we live under a representative government? Do we believe crying "bullshit" is doing something? I don't. That's why I feel I'm at the end of my fucking rope. What's left? I love reading. I love music. I love movies. I enjoy my friends, and I like riding my bike. What the hell can I do, if I can't enjoy these things? How can I enjoy these things when everything is so out of whack? I can't just drop out and chase my own personal enjoyment around while people go around murdering in the name of a nation I was born into. When greed reduces the possibility for survival on this planet every single day! When music means nothing, and self-expression is nothing more than credibility for commercials. What's left? Where are we going? Why are we going? At least nuclear war promises a quick death.

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