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Virtual Tax

I just heard today the China is going to begin taxing real world transactions in environments like Second Life and Worlds of Warcraft. What strikes me as particularly irksome about this is that those "virtual communities" are actually "real" communities. They are autonomous worlds complete with their own rules, customs, laws, and economies. I'm not trying to say that Worlds of Warcraft be declared an independent nations, but Second Life, maybe. If we fall under the control of our governments in realms beyond their boundaries, then all opportunities for autonomy are truly closed. They forget that we can mount our own armies in these worlds. Second life could easily attack a government mainframe. Digital warriors bringing the computers of the strongest nations on Earth to their knees. Of course, all they have to destroy would be the servers hosting that world. We'd have to take down the whole country. But regardless, worlds like Second Life allow us to transcend the boundaries of our own nations. They allow us the freedom to be whatever we want and create whatever we want, to be a true member of a global community not an American, or Chinese, but whatever you CHOOSE. Keep taxes out of our virtual existence.

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