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Terminal Simpsons

I'm sick of putting on a smile and playing nice for untalented idiots offering minimum wage to work on some bullshit project that they just expect people to roll over and ejaculate money all over. Whatever garbage idea they've coughed out of their dwarf minds and hired some gutless slob to piss together for them. The shit part of the deal is that they're probably half right. People will do almost anything to not have to spend their money on something worthwhile. Why not capitalize on that by selling idiots poison?

Prostitution of the body I can deal with, but I refuse to whore out my mind to these chimps. And you, stop paying for your own slow death! Read a goddamn book, or have sex or an actual conversation with a human being. Not over the phone line that fucking AT & T owns. Not over the internet which is the same. Walk outside, down your block. Throw something at someone and run away. Do any and everything genuine to keep YOUR money from going to support causes of such profound fuckery that you not only cause damage to yourself, but succeed in slowing progress by supporting their shit. I'm talking about TV. I'm talking about the Transformers Movie. I'm talking about (yes this too) the Simpsons Movie, I'm talking about the new White Stripes album, and the new Smashing Pumpkins tour. I'm saying fuck all because what has any of it ever done for you? And goddamnit stop going because "you know it's going to suck anyway." Your irony doesn't negate your 10 dollar movie tickets. If you know something blows, DON'T SEE IT! They don't fucking care where their million dollars comes from. You could write "fuck you George Lucas" on every single one of those goddamned bills, and he'd still have a million fucking dollars, and you'd still be wasting your time. So STOP! By all means STOP! ...unless of course you liked the Transformers Movie, the Star Wars prequels, you think the White Stripes are every bit as valid as Zeppelin, and the Simpsons, well you grew up with them., so...

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