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Play Age

To return to the unfettered freedom of the age when all creativity was play. Before we got scared, and got talented, and got skilled. Before there was pressure, and deadlines (besides bedtime), and style. To build with blocks as if nothing mattered. To scribble effortlessly until a satisfactory result was produced. The projects whose barrels we stare down today have more in the execution certainly, but should we fear them so much more? To be incapacitated to the point of never starting. To be paralyzed by self standards to the point of automatic and preemptive failure? A critic with nothing to offer. Isn't that thought more frightening than mere play with unsatisfactory results? So build for the sake of building, create for the sake of creating. Create for the moment, create to have it destroyed. Put blocks together and tear them apart when they are required for new constructions. If we fail at doing we get better; if we fail to do we simply fail. Play with everything for the sake of fun and invention in the universe. Play with everything for the sake of fun and inventions in thee universe. Playe withee eeveryting fur thee faun and envention inn the unoverse.

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