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web {firebreather}


{free} radicals

It's been a while since an original thought has cast a shadow o'er my mind. Hence all the void filling quotations. But damnit I grabbed a thought this morning, and have all but shaken it to death by now. We are allowing ourselves to float down the rive of progress. Technology at this point has provided us with the means for REAL AUTONOMOUS MEDIA! Free content and information abounds, and unprecedented levels of freedom to do what we will with it. Despite all the copyfighting though, this shit is being handed to us. IF we don't bite this hand feeding us, the internet will be radio and television all over again. A closed format with closed content that wer thank them for giving to us with our money. We can't just roll over again and let them steal our own creativity from us. Check out the BoingBoing post on YouTube's new maneuvering. We need to always stay on top of things like this. If some service treating us like we're lucky to have it, we should fucking switch. Go to a new one that does the same thing better. Make our own. Be our own communities. Make our own networks. Share the net. Make free networks in your own neighborhoods. Don't wait around jerking off until our cities, our government, or worse, the telecoms hand it to us. The internet has as much potential to be ours right now as it ever will. We need to take the necessary steps to ensure it stays that way. Otherwise we'd better be willing to roll over and pay for handouts from the divine rulers of the Earth.

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