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Imagineer It! *sic

The mind is our only frontier of absolute freedom. We may have limited control of the bodies those minds occupy, but those bodies are subject to invasion by harmful viruses, they may break down, they may be riddled with genetic disease, and they will eventually, if given the chance, become old. But the mind is made of the same stuff. The mind just as susceptible to damager, disease, and wear as the rest of the body. Maybe even more so. But not the physical make-up of the mind, and certainly not anything as airy as the "soul". No, our horizons lay at the boundaries of our imaginations. We can create the worlds we inhabit in our minds. This must be practiced with care, for this is considered a mark of insanity, but where else have we to turn if we want something other than the world outside? What other options have we? We can't travel to a distant planet. We can't live under the sea. We can't simply vanish. But we can and do everyday. Daydream, and play in your mind while the world isn't doing much of interest. Travel wherever you want. Punch your boss in the face. Make love to that beautiful woman you saw on the street last week. I imagine this is a pretty trite exercise I have undertaken here, but my enjoyment of my imagination does not hing on its originality; merely on it's existence.

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