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Big Time Question 1

To highlight the fact that I am a big well-know artist who was one of the interview subjects for some college students report on artists, which came about by my ability to respond to a craigslist post, and resulted (will result) in me receiving a 12 pack of Coke, I have decided to make available the questions and responses covered in the interview so that my message can reach past the walls of this girls classroom.

Without further ado:

It looks from your website you are chained to the computer. I see you have many different outlets for your art. Which one is your favorite outlet?

It's true that I do have many outlets, and a great deal of those require that I am in front of my computer a fair amount of time. On the computer end of things, I primarily use the computer because the only limitation in the digital realm is time. You can do everything on a computer for next to nothing cost-wise, but you can produce work that is indistinguishable from "professional material." The Internet is a great equalizer (which poses it's own set of problems) but anyone can have a great looking site. Some 13 year old kid in Kentucky can make a better looking site than some multi-million dollar company (and they do!). The problem with this is that, weather or not that kid has anything interesting to stay is still completely up in the air. I am still working on that aspect of it. Trying to back up the presentation with content. That is the reason for having so many different outlets (getting back on track). I strongly feel that each project should be focused, and exist on it's own right. That's why I have so many different websites. I don't want to be just another person putting up any and every thing that I find in a day. There's no focus, and therefore lacking in impact. I would much rather just have another project that slips through one of the many gaps in the web than just have another "stuff I think is cool" page. If you do that it seems like your whole life is slipping through those holes rather than just a single idea you had.

To be continued...

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