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Future War

Is it possible, is it conceivable that the conflicts of the near future will be ordinary citizens fighting against the Governments who operate under the pretense of protection of said citizens from themselves? Is terrorism as big a threat as it is? Is security as secure as it seems? Or is each new "security" measure in fact making us less secure? We have to decide, as human beings, weather we want to be afforded the freedom to live our own lives by our own means, or if we feel we must be monitored every moment of every day to protect us from ourselves.

We must not forget that despite how advanced our technologies become, they will always be operated by humans. Remove the technological screen and ask yourself if you would feel secure with someone you've never met before viewing every purchase you make, or every website you visit, or every place you go at every time. How about your bank account numbers, or your friend's and family, or your children? To what level of accountability are the operators and the progenitors and manufacturers of these technologies held? We should be careful to all private business to charge fourth with the prospect of great profit at our expense.

How do you reverse this? How do you fore a government to give you back your private security. How can we reclaim the human trust which should be an innate attribute of all endeavor and cast off the shackles of security that keep us bound in fear?

How do you know you haven't done something wrong? Have you ever had a disagreement with someone you know? Would you trust people who have never met you with that authority? And authority above and beyond that; to jail you or deport, or execute you. We do not know the government. We do not know the police. They are not the enemy, they are simply humans, just like us; victims for the same fear and paranoia as everyone else. And as become more exposed, they become more veiled.

We are all scared, of course, but we must not flee blindly out of fear into ruin. If and when we lose the security to live our lives on our terms, it will be too late, and the only option will be for all the normal decent people of the world to stand up in the face of those that "protect" them and cast them out.

Be not afraid of death. Be afraid of the suppression of life.

Fore further consideration, see: Channel 4's Excellent Suspect Nation

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