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God Proof

At what point does the "God Hypothesis" become such an adamantine solution? God, by very definition, cannot be observed. It IS a matter of faith. If we are arguing the origin of existence, the universe, time, etc. where does God enter in? Is the origin of God beyond historical scrutiny? If there can be no evidence for God's existence, then humans must have created God (as they invariably did). If humans created God then God CANNOT have created humans.

Look at this historic background of any religion, beneath the theology (which is a polite term for mythology) you will find sociological origins. Humans. What became of all the humans before the advent of the Abrahamic Gods? They could not POSSIBLY have worshiped, a Christian, or Muslim, or Hindu God, because those Gods all have origins WITHIN human history.

Under historic scrutiny NO religious belief will hold up. Period. If you bend over backward to reverse engineer an intangible meta-god then you only succeed in creating a different problem. The only way you can arrive at such a conclusion is to reduce the notion of God to a point where he cannot be touched by logic, and this has no religious or historic backing what so ever. Can you be a Christian and believe in a God you have personally created to be unassailable by conventional reason? It is not for me to decide. I am not a Christian.

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